Thursday, July 26, 2007

Why Can't I See The Damn Video Anymore?: Beyonce's Fall No Longer Active on YouTube

For some reason all of the videos on YouTube which feature Beyonce bustin her a$$ while performing in Orlando are no longer active. When you click on the play button some bullsh!t about a sharing violation pops up. I mean damn B was it that serious to stop YouTube from showing the footage? Embarrassing things happen to celebrities too, you are still human.'s funny that the various videos of Michelle bustin her a$$ while performing at 106 N Park a while back are still viewable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I ain't judging Beyonce or anything, but I gotta say that the girl obviously can't have a laugh at her own expense. For shame. I'm sorry that the "perfect" image she was painting for us all these years was horribly disrupted by a fall...something that happens to everyone damn near everyday. And about having the videos removed? Man, talk about ODing and having a superiority-complex fit over a little negative PR. Way to blow things outta proportion. LOL. I personally thought it was frigging funny as all hell--much, much funnier than Michelle's. B's stunt looked like amateur circus acrobatics gone wrong. LMFAO!!!
