Friday, August 10, 2007

The Gorilla Is Tight: 50 Cent's Song & Video Leaked

Last night, a digital copy of a new 50 Cent song called “Follow My Lead,” which features Robin Thicke, leaked onto the Internet weeks before 50's new album, "Curtis" is scheduled to hit store shelves. As if that wasn't already a problem, a final cut version of the song's video also hit the Internet and was soon available on You Tube and Dailymotion. According to Miss Info from Hot 97, 50 was tight when he found out about the leak. Sources say 50 went crazy in his Manhattan office, ripping a plasma television off the wall, throwing his cell phone through a window and declaring that he was going on vacation. Apparently, 50 pulled a Beyonce because viewers will not be able to see the video due to some copyright bullsh!t. God really doesn't like ugly!
Source XXLMag

Scary Spice Puts Eddie On Blast: Mel B's Interview With Larry King

Melanie Brown a.k.a Scary Spice went on the Larry King show last night basically telling the world how she feels about the drama surrounding her pregnancy with Eddie Murphy's baby. She told King, “I think he’s been extremely disrespectful and I don’t think anybody should be allowed to get away with saying what he said whilst I was pregnant...Even when the DNA test results were in there was still nothing further said, which I found baffling. After all this, and still nothing? It’s unacceptable.” Now, what was Gloria thinking when she decided to rock that Pepto Bismol suit?

Shut Up Already!: 50 Cent Betting His Career

According to NY Daily News, 50 Cent is betting his entire rap career that he'll sell more records than Kanye West on Sept. 11--the day both of their albums drop.

"Let's raise the stakes," said 50 Cent. "If Kanye West sells more records than 50 Cent on September 11, I'll no longer [perform] music. I'll write music and work with my other artists, but I won't put out any more solo albums." They would like to see Kanye West give me a problem," 50 said, "because I've worked myself into a space where I've become the favorite. Everybody roots [for] the underdog when he goes against the favorite. "And I bet this: When Kanye West's sales come in, he's gonna have a 70% decrease cause Def Jam is gonna buy records [the first week] to keep him closer to 50 Cent. So watch the first week and then watch the second week. Watch his a - drop off the planet." He added: "I didn't get one trophy for ‘The Massacre.' ... I don't get trophies, I get checks. He gets the trophies. ... And I'll be sitting here like, ‘It's cool 'cause I get the check.'?"

I hope Kanye's album sells way more than 50's, so his a$$ can shut up. 50 stop talking sh!t just to generate album sales and attention. I love the way Kanye is handling this stupid situation, he's acting like a REAL man.