Friday, August 10, 2007

Shut Up Already!: 50 Cent Betting His Career

According to NY Daily News, 50 Cent is betting his entire rap career that he'll sell more records than Kanye West on Sept. 11--the day both of their albums drop.

"Let's raise the stakes," said 50 Cent. "If Kanye West sells more records than 50 Cent on September 11, I'll no longer [perform] music. I'll write music and work with my other artists, but I won't put out any more solo albums." They would like to see Kanye West give me a problem," 50 said, "because I've worked myself into a space where I've become the favorite. Everybody roots [for] the underdog when he goes against the favorite. "And I bet this: When Kanye West's sales come in, he's gonna have a 70% decrease cause Def Jam is gonna buy records [the first week] to keep him closer to 50 Cent. So watch the first week and then watch the second week. Watch his a - drop off the planet." He added: "I didn't get one trophy for ‘The Massacre.' ... I don't get trophies, I get checks. He gets the trophies. ... And I'll be sitting here like, ‘It's cool 'cause I get the check.'?"

I hope Kanye's album sells way more than 50's, so his a$$ can shut up. 50 stop talking sh!t just to generate album sales and attention. I love the way Kanye is handling this stupid situation, he's acting like a REAL man.

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