Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Kanye's TOP Five Hottest MC's In The Game

MTV News decided to ask Louis Vuitton Don, Kanye West his opinion about the Hottest MC's List. Here's what he had to say, "Like Jadakiss said, 'Top five, dead or alive", he responded. "To get to the point where I'm in the top five, it just feels good. It feels better than winning an award. Even though 'Can't Tell Me Nothing' isn't doing good on radio, I never had a 'hood anthem before."

He also gave a run down on his TOP Five Hottest MC's. He responded by saying, "I'm only gonna accept a couple of people being ahead of me. Only Two." So, here's the list.

1. Lil Wayne

2. Andre 3000

3. Kanye West (smh, he wasn't lying y'all)

4. T.I.

5. Fabolous

Source MTV

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