Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Obama Rocks With VIBE

VIBE has gone political for the first time and I'm very proud of them because it's going to generate blacks,the young, hip-hop, and everyone else who reads the mag towards the election. Im so excited BARAK OBAMA graced the cover! He's not the first African-American to run for President, but he is the first to run against a woman, Hilary Clinton!! America ain't going to know what to do with themselves. I'm unsure of who I'm voting for because they both have really good ideas and campaigns (politicians are liars anyway) and I'm not picking Obama just because he's black that would be ignorant ... so, I have to see what else they can come up with to grab my attention. Well, tell me who y'all voting for and why??

Source VIBE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eh. Helps that he's black. LOL. But seriously, I do agree with what you said. I've no idea who I'll be voting for. Personally, in order for me to shift in my seat a smidgen, there's gotta be a solid conservative candidate out there who's in-your-face, doesn't dance around the important issues and has a feasible plan to get our boys safely out of Iraq. But I have yet to see one step up to campaign. :-(
